pull down to refresh

Lol at using Portnoy as a cautionary tale :)
EDIT: some feedback: the site is nice, but having to wait a few seconds before every screen is fully loaded tests one's patience...
Has anyone translated the Wingdings on the left yet?
"Wingdings, what a font! But it is the black characters you want :)"
Yup, just got that and there’s ten black characters.
I see 007 two $ and two _, what/where are the others?
Yeah I see 9 and a black lady, does that count?
The Twitter X might contain a backslash character?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT OP 9 Mar
It was an actual font? I thought it was made up
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @jasonb 9 Mar
Wingdings, what a font! But it is the black characters you want :)
And that’s what it said
The morse code
--.. . .-. --- -... --- -. . --.. . .-. --- --- -. . --.. . .-. --- / ..-. .. -. --. --.. / -.- -. . . / -.. .. -.. / ....- -.. / .- / -.. .-. . ... ... / ..--- --.. / .--. .-. .. . ...
translates to
0b1010 is binary for decimal 10, so
10 things needed for the address to see prize
They want you to pay for ten lessons, so I guess it's all marketing to get buyers, and the prize cannot be claimed without buying lessons. If so, I don't consider it a nice puzzle.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 9 Mar
They say "hidden on this card is every clue" so I presume that's true.
I sat through the first lesson.
At the top-right (right of the Help button) there is a slide selector.
You can select a hidden extra slide at the bottom:
The slide plays a Rick-Roll video, and after a couple of seconds, there is an overlay of binary numbers:
You can copy the data with the HTML inspector.
Decoding it to ASCII characters gives:
"You found a clue to the hidden treasure of 1 FULL BITCOIN! :) abstract"
First seed word is abstract.
But this is a different prize?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @bartoli 10 Mar
The real path to the slide is at the end of the video where nixon talks. There is a spider/bat that appears and you get there if you click on it
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 10 Mar
shhh.... dont tell... its a secret :)
I tried to follow the rules for building passphrases as used in the example
  1. pick five words from (the image of) the card, lower-case, no blanks, nonsensical
  2. double o's
  3. upper-case k
  4. add ##3 ('to protect bitcoin')
For example:
font knee to what black -> foontKneetoowhatblacK##3
Tried various combinations, no luck so far.
Here is a Python script to download all images from the server in full resolution to inspect locally.
I haven't found anything interesting in them so far, but they reveal the congratulation.
This is way too much work
It's very difficult. What attempts have you made?
I was trying to decode the blue font with the bip39 word list. I saw the yellow morse code on the other side and thought I should probably be doing more productive stuff with my time.
Sounds fun.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 10 Mar
oh... and Jonny-Impersonator... well played :)
got your email... you do not require that account, but very cheeky :) nothing has been deleted. You are the first to have what you have... but will you be the first to claim the prize... ?
Thank you for the confirmation!
DM me in twitter and we can chat, id love to get your experience and feedback. @schoolofbitcoin
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 10 Mar
well well well... what a surprise to see :) its amazing to see you guys trying to figure it out :)
you have gotten further than anyone so far... and yet... the prize remain unclaimed :)
I am glad that you are enjoying this :) Good luck everyone!
Let the Games Begin :) M https://schoolofbitcoin.com/ Bitcoin education that everyone can understand.
Added a passphrase generator and test script (requires KeePassXC) to the tools:
./phrases.py | ./brute.sh
There are 40 words on the card. The lesson suggests 9 rules (one cannot be followed, missing the birth-year).
Picking 4-5 words out of 40 and 2-3 rules out of 9 would take 7411 years to test.
If you pick only 4 words and use only the first two rules, it takes 89 days.
You can try your own hunches/ideas by modifying the word list or the rules in phrases.py.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @bartoli 14 Mar
Slide 21 of 'what is bitcoin' has 7 seed words in the background of the video, but those are probably unrelated
I tried a script looping for combinations that start with abstract and end with those, but stopped after a while of not finding any combination where the last word would be a correct checksum of the rest
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10 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT OP 14 Mar
You might be able to speed up trying these possibilities using this software.
It can generate passphrase candidates using more advanced rules. But it doesn't speed up the testing (about one try every five seconds) for the KeePass file.
But many of the words on the card are actually in the BIP39 word list. It's possible that the KeePass file does not contain the private key of the Bitcoin address. But instead further hints, required to build the seed phrase of BIP39 words. btcrecover can help check seed phrase candidates by comparing generated addresses with the prize address (which we know). You can also do this manually with e.g. Electrum (Create New Wallet, Standard wallet, I already have a seed, Options, BIP39 seed, enter candidate, Detect Existing Accounts).
The reason I think BIP39 is not out of the question is that the puzzle author has posted on X in the past about helping a friend recover a partial BIP39 seed phrase.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT OP 14 Mar
It's out of my skill range. I just thought you could program it to test all possibilities of those words for the passphrase. Paying for GPU'S might speed up the process too. Or it might end up costing more than the prize...
Good luck, I'm impressed by your perseverance!
Has anyone found anything by zooming in on details, like the help text suggests?
How do you zoom in on desktop with Firefox? Ctrl-+ doesn't work.
On the cold wallets slide, there is a qr code that outputs the first part of something encoded in 'universal resources' format. But I couldn't find anywhere the second part
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You need a touchscreen to zoom... either phone, tablet or laptop/desktop with touchscreen 🫡
Any news here??
I don’t have proof of work or time for this one, lol
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