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i don't see how 'late' makes sense. YES it's a trope and "we're early bros!!!!"
but seriously read the comments to that editorial. Apparently the average American even one reading the WSJ that 'sophisticated'... has no idea how or if bitcoin is any different from $trump or $blowjob coin.
"it's all tulips"!!! Really. They have never heard of lightning and never made a Bitcoin transaction so...
Exactly... they are all speaking from a place of ignorance. If they really understood Bitcoin, it would be okay to be skeptical, but you're more likely to say something along the lines of, "I just don't think it'll work," rather than all the strawman attacks about it being a scam.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @028559d218 3h
calling it 'a scam' i mean... junk email from nigerian princes is a scam. advance fee Nigerian-inheritances are... a scam. 'investment schemes' on telegram or from random text messages... ya those are scams.
but i have a home miner, it heats my living room i receive payouts to my LN Address... which i use to post here stack sats + play lightning blackjack.
if they've never heard of lightning or a 'bitcoin node' how can give a fair assessment of bitcoin?
they can't, that's why we should ignore them. they are just ignorant speaking of things they know nothing about.