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On June 30, 2024, agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation seized a Lenovo laptop belonging to Reynoso. His laptop contained software for a “Ledger hardware wallet.”
While defense counsel enjoyed the weekend with family, Reynoso expeditiously transferred 119.65 BTC from the wallet identified in the seizure warrant to various accounts on the blockchain. Less than two hours after the phone conversation between defense counsel and AUSA Gottfried, Reynoso moved the subject assets to another Bitcoin wallet.
I'm not certain but the defendant could be this Juan Carlos Reynoso.
Ouch, that background section could have been written by a cargo cult. A bitcoin wallet operates almost nothing like a bank account. That choice of term was kind of unfortunate - it often deceives new players.
Budget neutral!
wow, read that article on the fellow you think could be him (seems plausible). that is insane how brazen the Mexican cops were with planting evidence, stealing, etc while raiding his business.
Yikes, well unfortunately now the government has a very strong incentive to keep doing this kind of stuff to grow and enhance the strategic bitcoin reserve.
Wait if you plug a hardware wallet into a laptop that laptop now owns all coins it's ever seen? Could get spicy...