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First guy gets dealt the second best hand you can get in this game.
Second guy draws 3 times, getting the exact cards he needs one by one šŸ˜‚
YouTube comment explaining the rules more:
-In this game, the WORST usual hold'em hand wins. therefore 2,3,4,5,7 is the best possible hand. (notice it's not a straight! Pairs, flushs, and straights are bad!)
-each round of betting, players may 'exchange' as many cards as they please (0 through all 5), which the dealer replaces with a new card. In "triple draw" there are 3 rounds of exchanges.
This hand is bonkers because Abieh is dealt 3,5,6,x,x. In this game you almost NEVER exchange a 6 because it is an amazing card, however, right off the bat Yockey beats any hand that even holds a 6.
Arieh does ultimately gets rid of the 6 because he makes a straight (2-6..... remember straights are bad!) In this scenario a player will ditch the highest 'valued' card, which in this case is the 6. To replace that 6 he got a 7, giving him a "wheel', the best possible hand.
In conclusion, Arieh draws the exact cards he needed in the exact order he did (3 rounds of draws!!) to make the best possible hand, beating Yockey's second best possible hand
What type of poker is this? Iā€™m lost
2-7 triple draw
So confusing.
fucking nuts! I love playing low ball. I've never played 2-7 triple draw but I play a lot of Omaha Hi/Low. The low component is the same, except for replacing cards 3 times.
Now that's a bad beat.