the problem with Muun is they use 0-conf arquitecture to improve UX, this could be an issue if this practice extends in the ecosystem.
0-conf is basically trust to Muun.
Trust is a problem that Bitcoin want to fix.
If you want to use Muun pls switch off turbo channels.
Turbo channels is not the problem with muun. The main problem with muun is that it is an on chain wallet always paying on chain fees, and using swap services to send ln transactions. This makes the fees large and unpredictable.
It also means that every ln payment is controlled by them. Turbo channels (in actual ln wallets) are just new channels that don’t have a confirmation on chain yet. So they only have a ten minute risk. After that everything is back to normal. I can take that risk to get a quick incoming transaction sometimes when I don’t have channel capacity.
is wallet of satoshi better ?
sorry got to learn...
no. WoS is worse. i recommend Blixt wallet and OBW.
Take my 20sats. OBW 👌🏻
You are going to use these wallets to do small transactions and hold small amounts of sats.
The best one, is the one who offers the best experience for you. If you have Muun, download WoS and send some SATs, then do the same with Phoenix, and then choose whatever works best for you.
If in the future they change the experience, you can easily change wallets, it won't cost you anything
wallet of satoshi is completely trusted because it is custodial