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  1. Just a filter for send/receive methods.
  2. Priority is determined by the order of the squares. Drag the squares to reprioritize them.
  3. Yes. When the first method fails, upon retry, the next method is used. @ek can elaborate more on the exceptions to this.
It might also help for @ek to share his vision for how this page will improve. He's the wallet Lord at this point.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 12 Mar
@ek can elaborate more on the exceptions to this.
The only exception is that we don't fallback to CCs once we started to pay with sats.
I just updated the FAQ with wallet questions starting from this one and included this answer in there.
It might also help for @ek to share his vision for how this page will improve. He's the wallet Lord at this point.
The first (big) iteration will be moving away from protocols+wallets to only showing wallets so one can use multiple wallets that support NWC for example. Each wallet will also have a proper guide with screenshots and maybe even videos. In the beginning, we will probably focus on the popular wallets and add other wallets+guides on request.
The next (big) iteration will then add a wizard to the wallet page so somebody who literally has never used lightning before can answer questions so we can recommend them a wallet based on their answers. Questions could be something like "Do you know what a lightning address is?", "Do you have a computer that can stay online 24/7?", "Do you mind KYC?" etc.
The guides in the previous iteration should then help them enough to get setup with the wallet we recommended.
This was basically a TL;DR of this answer on Github.