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Young, Vulnerable Canadians now in Musk's Cross-Hairs

Intelligence experts say young, economically vulnerable people would be likely target
Again, the media, reined in by the state, are telling their readership that young folks are susceptible to attack. Same shenanigans as in COVID - let's drum up fears about the 'vulnerable' and then institute sweeping authoritarian measures in order to protect them. Can't wait for what comes next.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has worked to destabilize many governments and nations in the past, using methods as mundane as corruption and as drastic as assassination, but the former spy chiefs say a campaign aimed at Canada would likely rely less on cloak-and-dagger tactics and more on social media — such as the Elon Musk-owned X platform.
So admit to a long-time ally destabilizing countries in the global south through three-letter agencies (true) while at the same time blaming the young canucks as being intellectually/financially vulnerable. The downtrend of the Bever-Peso started at the end of 2010 when it was actually at dollar parity (and began to overtake it, briefy).
"Is [Trump] trying to change political views in this country? If so, that's foreign interference," said Dick Fadden, who also headed CSIS.
Convenient timing as they ramp up to an election. It won't be Chinese, but American interference, this time around. Is posting on the internet foreign interference? What a joke!
there are those who are vulnerable to the siren call, particularly among the young who feel economically disadvantaged....
To prevent himself from falling for the siren, Odysseus plugged his hears and tied himself to the mast. Will this work with their young and 'economically disadvantaged'? Can you really blame them for not taking up the Carney banner?
"That would be one of the linchpins, one of the cracks in the armour that another country would be looking at trying to exploit," he told CBC News.
The reporter and interviewee keep using the same marshal imagery - do I suspect pillow talk?

Band Together to Fight Foreign Interference Propaganda with..... Propaganda and Money Printing?

In addition to sending politicians to negotiate with counterparts in Washington, says Fadden, "we need to find a way to play back on the information front." ... He says that means finding ways "to use social media more effectively than I believe we have been doing." ... Bisson says government assistance for those affected by tariffs could blunt the impact of such propaganda.
Brrrrrrr.........Do I hear the sweet sweet combination of retaliatory propaganda and money-printing? One might think they are coordinating with Trump to.....oh God forbid it! I can also recall Ford saying in an interview how he's been deploying millions of dollars to air ads in the US at an attempt to convince Americans how tariffs are will economically disadvantage them.
He says Canada should be on the lookout. "We need to start at the basics. We need to start monitoring money flows. We need to start talking about whether they're trying to interfere with our elections at all levels."
Do they want to accelerate bitcoin adoption by increasing financial censorship? I guess nothing really stops this train.
"Intelligence organizations are out looking for possible threats all the time," he said, and have intelligence "tripwires" set up to help monitor the threat environment.
Woah! Sound like warrantless spying and free-speech infringement to me. Oh-Canada!
"The more you get people who buy into the current U.S. president's philosophy of life," said Fadden, "the more he shifts professionals out of the intelligence community and puts his own people in, the more worrisome it becomes."
"Philosophies of life" sounds like a really nice euphemism for fascist. At this point, why not just say it?

Getting back to Weird

As for those Canadians who want to see their country annexed, and have loudly made that case, Elcock says not all should necessarily be seen as a security threat. "It would depend on what their activities were. There are lots of people who have weird ideas in Canada who don't qualify as a threat to the security of Canada," he said. "Many of those organizations would already be on the radar. So the reality is, if they start to become active, it's not going to be something nobody's aware of" (emphasis mine).
Not that word, again! I guess to say that they are ramping up their intelligence is an understatement. I wonder how much warrantless spying is actually going on in Canada right now? It begs the questions of how far CSIS will really go to "protect" the nation from such deplorable as the "economically disadvantaged young" people.
Keep a sharp look-out on freedom of speech, you brave, vulnerable young people of the north. Use your VPNs, Tor browser and stay vigilant.