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You should demand 'Visa and Passport free' travel to UK. I still don't get it why you guys then put the queen on your money and have a governer appointed by UK? I'm sorry to say but this kinda slavery.
I don't feel owned by the UK and have never been forced into labour by them. I am more of a slave to fiat system than I am to the UK.
Fiat that has the queen printed on it. Also..
I don't feel owned by the UK
Do you feel owned by Canada? If you do, you're owned by UK as you have a UK governor and a UK bank.
Canada doesn't operate under the UK central bank.
No, just the same central banker. Huge difference.
Replying to #911659
Why does it say that it operates under Crown Corporation?
I can understand it's not directly under, nor does Canada but too much use of Crown and Queen just makes Canada look more like a British Colony.
I think you are making too much of this. In Canada in a given year Canadians think about the UK, the queen/king, or the governor general about 0 times.
It's a constitutional monarchy. It's just the way the deal was structured in 1867. Maybe one day there will be a full break from the monarchy but I don't really think anyone cares enough to pursue that because the UK really has nothing to do with what happens in Canada other than the Queen's picture being on the $20, having a holiday for queen victoria's birthday and the governor general attending ceremonies and signing documents on behalf of the crown.
Haha got me there.