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Sam’s got some big balls willing to stand in there against the monstrosity that Zadorv is.
Last month he did a cheap shot against Buffalo Sabre JJ Peterka at the end of game they lost. JJ wisely just skated away. At the time I thought that was so soft of him but after seeing this I think JJ is a wise man.
Zadorv was drafted by buffalo then traded away. I wonder if buffalo would still be seen as a soft team if we still had him on our roster.
Either way Sam’s team will get the last laugh the Bruins ain’t winning a damn thing this season
114 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 12 Mar
Bennett better not get hurt again. Panthers are a bit banged up and need to get healthy for the playoffs so they can sweep the Leafs in round 2.
Yup this is true