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These statements have MUCH more weight to me when they have a time frame around them.
For example, I would agree that bitcoin will not replace the dollar in the next decade. Very very unlikely. Will it in 25 years? I still think its unlikely. If you go beyond 30 years I think it becomes more and more likely.
For me it is the following
  1. Can bitcoin function better than the dollar? Yes
  2. Why is price so volatile? Lack of knowledge/understanding. So its not inherent to bitcoin but just a market thing.
  3. Will the US dollar be dominate forever even if bitcoin didn't exist? No chance. Its not a question of if, but when.
  4. Bitcoin is already the best store of value over any 5 year time span. This is what people that live under a dollar standard need more than a new dollar.
  5. We will have digital currency/money. There's a need. It will either be a gov CBDC or a corporate controlled money, or it will be bitcoin. I pick bitcoin.
  6. I'm in no rush. I'm not looking to get rich quick. I want to store my wealth for my family.
  7. We are likely gonna need wealth to get through the tough times in the future. If not for me, it may be for my grandchildren. I don't care about Lambos.
  8. The dollar funds massive war and death. Sound/hard money will limit this. It won't eliminate it but to me this is for the good of mankind. A limiting factor.
  9. The lawful stuff is silly. If enough people demand it... it will be "lawful". Goes back to understanding what bitcoin is.