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because the problem it claims to solve doesn't exist. we have the opposite of this problem, not enough users.
This I fully agree with. What I believe is Shinobi's point is having the capacities built before they're urgently needed.
(Of course, we might never get there because either nobody wants self-custody or bitcoin at all—moot point)
note, YAGNI = you aren't going to need it. engineer catchphrase.
"I can see two sides here.
Don't add any opcodes if there is not a clear bottleneck. (YAGNI)
Add the opcodes asap to future proof bitcoin, because the longer we wait the harder it will be to softfork. (exception to YAGNI because bitcoin is especially hard to change, not the usual code situation)"
recent back and forth with justin_shocknet. I start out on the "exception to YAGNI" side but justin_shocknet (and my own napkin math let's tell it right) convinces me of YAGNI with prejudice.
ultimately it's an engineering problem.
as with the block size war, trust the engineers. don't trust lobbyists. even if they mean we'll, they don't understand the problem.
Shinobi is not an engineer. He's a lobbyist. And an anon at that.
Solve the right problem.
Get more people using Bitcoin the right way.
Don't break Bitcoin to solve a non problem, so shitcoiners can have a quick pump at bitcoin's expense.
Shitcoiners don't know wtf they're doing, they'll probably break Bitcoin and still lose money lol. the whole thing is a giant waste of brainpower.
I would consider ctv+csfs if there was clear scaling pressure. there's not.
I don't think I would ever consider op_cat.