Yeah I don't think its perfect, I just think its the best solution we have right now. I think the best solution we're gonna end up with, is a grassroots solution believe it or not. I think we need wallet software that lets you do what phoenix does, but lets you control the fees and the default node it connects to and lets you package it with your company logo on it. We get more local community solutions that way and the lightning network truly becomes a network of networks like its supposed to be.
I think what kills Phoenix for the on-boarding is the 3000k sats minimum , the 1% is not that bad if they allow people to receive any amount, 0.5$ to open a channel without inbound liquidity is to much for Maria
Which is why I said that I believe in it so much that I'd pay the fee myself
Its also why I went into the technical minutia of how Phoenix should become a "Make your own company wallet" creation platform. Where every business that uses the system that Phoenix does will have its own fee rates and if that entity happens to be a community organizer trying to do a grassroots local economy like a Bitcoin beach, you and I know that fee rate would be 0