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this is absolutely insane. i am all in favor of having neighborhoods of diverse ethnicities, they make cities interesting, but this definitely smells like a political globalist agenda.
Eh, I say let it play out. They want to have an Islamic town in America, let them have it. As long as they don't prohibit people from leaving who don't like it there.
if the housing prices drop, even temporarily based on political trends, that's an easy land grab by the banks. people who have their entire wealth locked into real-estate are not used to bitcoin-like volatility.
It’s like London
Eh. I used to live in a NYC exurb near a town that was essentially a Lubavitch Jewish town. Utah's full of defacto Mormon towns. And Amish Country is, well, pretty Amish. Pretty sure this will be fine.
what you talk about occurs more slowly, over decades; i think it is much faster to shift demographics quickly today. people can shift fast, but their customs and language adapt slowly. i suspect that erodes the cohesion of the community, in the short term. in addition, the geographic real-estate prices shift quickly also, creating uncertainly in the purchasing power of residents.
Mormons are less annoying and violent