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The increase of divisibility causing increase in supply argument is completely factually WRONG. If hard fork is implemented, it is very easy to increase bitcoin divisibility by either
  1. Adding another 64 bit number for fractions of bitcoin, making bitcoin utxo values effectively 128 bit integers. This increases divisibility, not total amount!
  2. Adding an exponent portion to the utxo values. Since we don't need positive exponents here, we can dedicate the whole exponent to negative numbers, increasing divisibility enormously even with 8 bit exponent. This is at the cost of greatly complicating the calculations, but arithmetic with floating point is a solved problem
I don't know about the other points though...
Just a note for everybody here who just finished their CS education and is afraid of floating point numbers. If you want to implement floating point transaction values as in 2., you need to make custom implementations that handle it appropriately by using integers. You shouldn't use the inbuilt float or double types.
When my node activates the next soft fork, I will not blink at the knowledge that OP is not joining us.
I'm getting second hand embarrassment reading this article.
C'mon, I even muffed an order of magnitude and it still holds
Your snark in the face of facts is whats embarrassing, shitcoiner energy... guess you'll never understand what Bitcoin is at this point.
You didn't just say Bitcoin has no unit smaller than sats, you are also saying you will do what you can to keep it that way. You will make sure Bitcoin doesn't scale.
So to you, Bitcoin is about propping up a new oligarchy. Not freedom, not hope for the future, not self sovereignty, just a few million elite and billions of servants who can pick between millions of masters.
I may very well create my own shitcoin, if this becomes true and a decade of nothing to change it follows.
you will do what you can to keep it that way
Where did I say that? I have no control over Bitcoin.
propping up a new oligarchy
Where did I say that? I'm just a shell dev with no say in anything.
Stop projecting.
I may very well create my own shitcoin
I have no doubt about that, you're mentally ill and projecting things, seemingly predisposed to ignore reality just to grasp at imaginary levers of control... so a shitcoin sounds right up your alley
Virtue signal harder, hipster: #906514
divisibility causing increase in supply argument is completely factually WRONG.
No, it is correct, you are wrong... THERE IS NO DIVISIBILITY
Bitcoin is not floating point, there are not 21M bitcoin only 2.1q sats
That's not to say a supply increase in this context is DILLUTIVE
That's not to say a supply increase in this context is DILLUTIVE