Ok, just finished this one, probably quite a few of you have heard of this as Lawrence was doing the rounds on all the bitcoin pods recently.
I enjoyed the book and found it quite easy to read - it was written for normies and non-technical people to try, so it wasn't a slog to read.
How interesting the subject matter would be to a normie is another matter.
i don't think an existing bitcoiner who has read the btc standard, broken money, and the usual suspects would necessarily learn anything new from it, but a bit of repetition never hurts IMO.
I quite liked his section with rebuttals to common bitcoin fud and his main angle was, the future doesn't have to be depressing because we can go back on a hard money standard, backed by btc.
I find it very hard to believe any corrupt and rotton fiat system would ever agree to go back on a hard money standard of any kind, because there's no harder drug than the drug of playing god and printing money.
But all in all, a good read