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Ok, just finished this one, probably quite a few of you have heard of this as Lawrence was doing the rounds on all the bitcoin pods recently.
I enjoyed the book and found it quite easy to read - it was written for normies and non-technical people to try, so it wasn't a slog to read.
How interesting the subject matter would be to a normie is another matter.
i don't think an existing bitcoiner who has read the btc standard, broken money, and the usual suspects would necessarily learn anything new from it, but a bit of repetition never hurts IMO.
I quite liked his section with rebuttals to common bitcoin fud and his main angle was, the future doesn't have to be depressing because we can go back on a hard money standard, backed by btc.
I find it very hard to believe any corrupt and rotton fiat system would ever agree to go back on a hard money standard of any kind, because there's no harder drug than the drug of playing god and printing money.
But all in all, a good read
Thanks for posting. I haven't started it yet.
enjoy, maybe we all need to get more bullish on a financial reset !
While recognising or ignoring that China has won the trade war...and that dominance in trade has always preceded monetary hegemony?
I've started it. So far I agree about readability.
How interesting the subject matter would be to a normie is another matter.
For someone with inclinations to learning about the monetary system, think it's a good start for learning about bitcoin.
He doesn't lean in the bitcoin part too hard right out of the gate (although Keiser's foreword may do that for him). He gives a good overview and sets up some of the problems for which bitcoin is the answer. And he does this fairly well.
yeah, he doesnt really mention btc until the second half, which is the right move since the average person would probably be immidialty put off by it thanks to MSM programming
I'm only a bit into it, but I found the same: pretty uninterested for well-versed Bitcoiners. I even yawn at times.
But that probably just means I'm not the target audience
yeah, it's a trojan horse for orange pilling lol