I wanted my students to become better speakers, so I asked ChatGPT for suitable audio-to-text applications and learnt that Google Docs allows me to transcribe my students’ spoken responses. So, I got them to speak about a topic close to their hearts, which is a YouTube channel that they created collaboratively The B.R.O.S
Step 1: Open a Google Docs document, go to "Tools" in the menu, and select "Voice typing". It allows you to speak and automatically transcribes your speech into text.
Google Docs could transcribe some boys’ responses but not others, which lent naturally to a teachable moment about how we need to speak audibly for audience engagement.
Step 2: Copy and paste students’ oral responses on ChatGPT and ask it for suggestions to up the level of their responses.
Then, I copied and pasted their words on ChatGPT and used the following prompt: “My students gave the following responses to "tell me about a time when you set up a youtube channel". please look at their transcripts and suggest 3 vocabulary words/phrases they can use to elevate the quality of their response.”
ChatGPT proceeded to offer three vocabulary words/phrases to my students to level up their speech, accompanied by short and sweet, yet compelling reasons. I think my students understood clearly how they could give better quality responses as they could see for themselves the contrast between ChatGPT’s suggestions and their original choices.
Most importantly, I had fun carrying out the lesson. I think my students were a tad daunted by the prospect of having their words typed out instantaneously in front of them, but I’m sure they will get used to it!