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I'm new to mining, and my only experience is with Ocean, so I don't know if this is a normal occurrence with all pools.
Why does Ocean see my miner as offline frequently throughout the day? I check my device and everything seems fine. I can see the current hash rate. When I look at my account on Ocean, the miner reflects that the "worker" is offline and the hashrate is zero.
Is this common, or something I should be concerned about?
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36 sats \ 1 reply \ @nikotsla 14h
This is normal... you can't expect that a remote site know exactly what is going on, and for sure not in a front-end. Maybe they are too confident and check every 2sec or 10sec... an others pools every 60sec.
From my point of view, this is not something you need to worry about, and the only thing to do is to wait for a bitaxe with a ethernet port, wifi is not reliable, never will be.
Makes sense
Not used ocean but have you tried any other pools? Wonder if this occurs with other pools.
I haven't, but from what I have heard Ocean gives you the most transparency and granularity of information, so it may not even be information you can access elsewhere.
Yeah, they may also be checking your connection more often. You'd be surprised on unreliable home network connections can be. I've set up monitoring on mine and its wild. You probably do not notice it when using it but if you have a system checking every few minutes it sometimes will fail. 20% seems really bad though.
Bingo! My hunch is that this is the answer.
I have installed a wifi booster relay in the space where the miner is to ensure a good signal. This seems to help but not completely eliminate the problem. Just last night tweaking the miner to seek maximum hash and got a good hashrate only to then see it was not sharing the hashes with the pool.
So dialled down the hashrate and the share frequency seemed to improve. Perhaps pushing the asic hard limits the ability for the miner to share the results to the pool?
Interesting. I can maybe move one of my mesh relays.
Totally off topic. I hope you don't mind. Can you talk about your solar ideas/setup for mining and give advice on how to start dabbling?
This mining stuff is legit? I thought it was not possible anymore
It's legit if you're dumb like me and accept that you won't be making a profit for awhile.
36 sats \ 5 replies \ @teresa969 3h
Ah I see. So seems better just to buy correct?
Probably. We do it to try to help mining stay (become?) decentralized.
36 sats \ 3 replies \ @teresa969 3h
Ok Sir understood. I will keep my monthly buying then. Was hard enough to understand what bitcoin was to begin with. Pretty sure with my luck I would just lose money is some stupid mining app that would eventually scam me anyway. Figured out how to change my profile pic too. Its not that strange guy anymore hehe
Good idea. If anyone tries to tell you there is a bitcoin mining app run away!!
Imma tag @Kenobi for this.
I get this or similar with Braiins pool.
The hash rate displayed on the miner is usually higher than that on Braiins and sometimes Braiins shows the miner offline when it seems to be working on the miner.
Check whether it is successfully sharing with the pool as sometimes the miner is hashing but not sending shares to the pool.
Have you ever seen that actually work? If not, it looks like Ocean’s servers aren’t able to connect to your device. Don’t you need to open a port/firewall on your router?
Oh no. I'm mining fine probably 80% of the time. It is periodic.
I suspect it’s based on the acknowledged hash rate on their side, and if it falls below some threshold, it shows as offline.
With my miners on Braiins, there is a wide variation in hash rate as seen by the pool, so it can fluctuate a lot, even if the machine is still working in proper order.
I’ve not used Ocean though, so I can’t say for sure if it’s something you should be concerned about.
I’ve noticed this with ocean as well. I had previously used two other pools and didn’t have an experience like this. My guess is it’s because ocean is young and scrappy and doesn’t have all the UI polished yet
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Wumbo 17 Mar
I have a similar "issue" with ocean.
I think it is because the "online" is determine by Hashrate (60s). With low performance miners might fall below some threshold for online /off line.
I don't know this as a fact, just an educated guess.