I'm desperate to buy as much as possible at this steal of a price. So, I scavenged everywhere in my house, finding every last penny. It felt like a form of ritualistic cleansing.... removing every last ounce of the evil fiat influences from the drawers, the counters, the couch cushions.
I went to a Coinstar machine and exchanged all those ugly, antiquated coins for live-giving Satoshis.
I feel so enriched, and wanted to share my experience with you good people on SN. Bear markets are the best time to do some spring cleaning.
Do they give you a CoinMe voucher for coins now?
A couple years ago when I first saw it, only notes (i.e., cash inserted into the bill accepter), could be used ... not coins.
Yea, it was my first time doing it, so I had to learn.
I had to get a voucher for the coins first and take it to a cashier to exchange for those gross greenbacks.
Then I went back to the same machine to buy Bitcoin with the bills. Kinda annoying, but not too bad.
Oh, ... that works! Cool!!! (other than paying fees twice, ... once to convert coins to cash, then when redeeming the USD voucher on CoinMe.)
Alot of times when you get your money in giftcard form, they wave the fee that they do for giving cash, to incentivize using their partner services, not sure if thats the case here.
Good on you bro, here are some extra sats