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Our beloved Mr. Selgin is back fighting the good fight against orange windmills.
In the Boston Globe this week he was ranting against the bitcoin reserve— reasonable, in itself, since it's far from obviously a good idea that a bloated, deficit government ought to amass a sovereign wealth fund of any kind (#877076).
Unfortunately, the SBR is mostly a pretext for Selgin to shit on bitcoin, Bitcoiners, and some lofty legislation discussed—and then pick a Twitter fight with Pierre Rochard (life here never ceases to be interesting, eh?)
(there was some assessment of Selgin's intellectual development by Josh in the What Bitcoin Did episode recently on monetary economics — highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YruuCoFfL-k&ab_channel=WhatBitcoinDid)
So, what's Selgin bringing?
  • good news, he says: "The good news for bitcoin fans is that bitcoin became spectacularly popular: By the start of this year, the once-worthless digital ledger entries were fetching more than $100,000 each."
  • bad news, apparently: "instead of taking the place of paper dollars and bank deposits in routine payments, bitcoins are mostly being hoarded, or “HODLed” in bitcoiner argot, leaving the dollar as secure as ever."
This strikes me as odd.
  1. why disregard the (censorship-resistance) payments that are made globally just because millions of Americans mostly hodl their coins?
  2. In some fundamental sense, the hodling of others is what allows those first people to have a market to sell into when they need to transact—how much bitcoin payments could the network process if there were no hodlers, no institutional capital, and its market cap was a pittance? (=not much: this is why honey badger should care about price).
All Bitcoiners want, as far as Selgin sees it, is having the government pump their bags. No assessment of the myriad of opinions, no admission that maybe, just maybe, it's better for bitcoin (and the world) with a government having skin in the game than a government hostile to this revolution and industry.
Whatcha Stackers think of his peculiar finishing sentence?

"don’t count on not having to invest more in cryptocurrency, even if you don’t know a protocol from a hole in the ground."

non-paywalled here: https://archive.md/EZPyh
People who think what we're seeing now is "spectacular popularity" are in for a real treat.
In line with our parallel echo chamber conversation, you always have to remember who the audience is, for the pieces you're reading. If you don't know this is written for smug no-coiners, then you'll be frustrated that he overlooks every obvious counter that he must have already heard dozens of times.
True. Maybe that's why I'm so triggered by Selgin's stupid takes on twitter? (I'm not his audience). He seems to take not the best version of an argument but the worst, trolliest, Twitter version.
Not genuine
It's easier to see when you're reading someone else being frustrated by it than when you confront it yourself.
Needs to be amended to "Have fun becoming poor" for some of these folks.
Bit Coin is a tulip mania inaugurated by Elon Musk to manipulate the wellfare state!
I hadn't seen this site before.
that site is a gem! more like it on my resources page https://darth-coin.github.io/resources-en.html
That's a great page. I need to circle back around to some of those, now that I'm getting interested in home mining.
What I appreciate is that I can differ so greatly from other people politically and in worldview... and still 'use' Bitcoin back and forth with them. That makes it special to me
28 sats \ 1 reply \ @hgw39 19 Mar
We had a similar article in MSM here in New Zealand a few months ago, to which we wrote and published a response here: Same old arguments but we responded to each one and invited the author to meetups but he didn't respond. https://kiwibitcoinguide.org/articles-and-guides/bitcoin-has-failed-in-its-central-task-a-response/
Freakin niiiiice man!! Good on yah
I'm disappointed. I read Selgin's books on money & banking and I enjoyed them. Surprised to learn that he is an anti-bitcoiner.
I know, i know. Just dont discard his early academic work... Its good. We can keep it
Terribly written. Not even a single mention of Bitcoin's myriad privacy issues.
Sad, sad
Yup. That's why I got to post this for free!