Had the pleasure of doing a real-life test of our orange pilling 🍊💊 web app on Monday! I went to the Miami Bitdev meetup, and after we all went for drinks at a bar called The Anderson here in Miami.
So I ordered a drink and it was the perfect opportunity to ask the bartender if he'd be open to me giving him his tip in bitcoin.
The first thing he said was "I don't have a bitcoin wallet" so I explained what our web app does and that he didn't need one at the moment to receive his tip.
He went to grab his phone and in the meantime, I loaded a $10 tip via Strike -
Then once the QR Code with his tip was generated I had him scan it and explained to the bartender that he had to claim the tip via email and the site would walk him through downloading a wallet to withdraw his sats.
I set the expiry date for his tip to 30 Days to give him enough time to withdraw his sats.
As of right now it's been 3 days and his progress hasn't moved, he's still stuck in the download wallet screen. (This is a feature we added where you can see what stage the person who received the tip is sitting in)
This will be the perfect user scenario for us to start building out email reminders to incentivize the user to complete their onboarding and withdraw their sats.
In case anyone wants to give the app a try here are 1000 sats up for grabs! https://lgt.st/RNfXfM
Also in case you want to follow our journey building this app we post weekly updates on our progress:
Here's our twitter account so you can also follow us there @Lightsats21
For Lightsats LNURL auth, can you display the text so I can copy paste it into my wallet? Currently only the QR code is displayed.
Live in production🙌🏻 https://lightsats.com/signin
This is up on dev, will let you know once it goes live in production!🥳
You got it🙌🏻 Passing it to the team so we can make this available, thanks so much for the feedback 🤗
I like how SN has it, you can easily copy it at the bottom of the QR Code!
We’ll keep you updated once it goes live🚀
hey thanks for the tip - i did get my 1000 sats when i followed you guys on twitter.
thanks a bunch.
Amazing, great to hear!
Hope you can pass along a few sats to other users so they can experience the app :)
White text on yellow background is difficult on the eyes
More yellow text on white background on withdrawal page.
Passing this one as well to the team!🤗
Thanks again for the feedback
Thank you!! Yes I’ll get the team to fix the color of the text or a different background of the chip’ 👌🏻🧡
Whoever claimed this, sorry I reclaimed it sort of by accident while testing the reclaim button on Lightsats.