I read Creature From Jekyll Island and it opened my eyes to central banking and what can happen in periods without it. I think it’s a bit ott in parts but overall it left me feeling optimistic. Something I haven’t felt in a long long time.
Bitcoin is voting out of that messed up system. It’s a genuine alternative that is opt-in, voluntary and peaceful. It’s the people money and it promotes freedom and transparency.
I’m newish, I don’t like seeing number go down either but holding your own keys and having no counter-party risk is just wild. I can’t understand how all these ‘finance’ people miss that bit. It’s sad to read all the stories of people losing real sums of money but I’m sitting here knowing absolutey nothing has happened to my bitcoin and feel some deep satisfaction
It sounds really dumb but that’s my story. This too shall pass, I genuinely think bitcoin is going to win
Oh, also the people around it are some of the most genuine I’ve ever met.