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If there were any basis the scaling alarmist would be able to quantify it, but they refuse to. The only metric they can regurgitate is how many individual people there are on earth. This isn't a technical demand, just the aforementioned hipster virtue signaling about sovereignty and equality.
They have no idea what things may look like in 5 years, and the fact that they pretend to while having no basis on which to set their goal posts should be your first clue.
These are not serious people. Many of them are outright bad people using a fake issue to divide and scam.
Lightning, or any other alleged L2 and even "Vaults" does inherently come with a liveness trade-off, which makes it more difficult than the base chain. I could entertain ideas on how to make that UX better, but no one is talking about that, because the underlying constraints are not solvable.