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Do you even know what that means? I didn't say your ideas was shit because you are a hipster retard, I simply insulted you and then said your ideas are shit.
people will "just run nodes", people won't
I know comprehension is an issue for you, or you wouldn't believe the things you do.
My entire premise is that people won't run nodes and that's why its only hipster retards talking about billions of users.
Many organizations will, most won't, but they all have the option and the number of them won't change regardless of whether or not your shitfork becomes consensus.
Therefore the only tooling that matters is that which gets trust distributed, which is the opposite of Ark.
infrastructures are trustless, and Ark tries to do that
Ark is not trust-less, even with a shitfork it makes a lot of negative trade-offs, which might be fine if the marketing departments weren't so dishonest. Why does something pre-product need marketing anyway? Oh thats right because its a narrative scam.
It's tooling for large trusted coordinators, not distributing trust to the edge.
toxic psychotic cousin
You misidentify ad-hominem and jump right into using ad-absurdum, entirely predictable mid-curving.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @pakovm 24 Mar
I would love to discuss this more in depth with you, but all you are doing is insult me, so see ya.
Just don't be surprised when people block you on social media, everyone calls you a retard publicly, nobody uses your apps and nobody takes you seriously on Delving Bitcoin.
Have a nice one dude, hope you find the professional help you need for your anger issues someday.
Try not coming in hot about losing brain cells when you have none.
nobody takes you seriously on Delving Bitcoin
I think this is now the second time you've said this, I think I've posted one time, ages ago, on that shit heap. Comprehension fail yet again.