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I am new to Civilization 7. I picked it up only a few months back and have been addicted to the game. I have spent over a hundred hours now, and I love the complexity and depth of thinking it takes to achieve victory.
We had some discussions in another thread and wanted to start a discussion thread on what are some of your winning strategies if you play the game. Some questions I have been exploring are below
  • Which Mementos should you choose for a Culture Victory, and how do they synergize with specific leaders?
  • Which leader best suits a Military Victory, and what Mementos should you equip them with?
  • How should you utilize Commander Units in combat, and what promotions are most beneficial for different military strategies?
Damn, I sooo want to be part of this conversation. But I haven't played Civ 7 yet.
This is what you get for being a late adopter. (I tend to buy games months after their first release... partly to avoid bugs, partly because I always have a huge backlog of games to play)
Your strategy makes complete sense. Since I was new to Civilization, I had little to lose. That's why I went to the latest release. I was thinking of purchasing Civilization 6 at the time, but I was like, nah, let's go with the latest one :)
Which Mementos should you choose for a Culture Victory, and how do they synergize with specific leaders?
I've only got like 30 mementos so far, haven’t really explored that part much yet. I usually pick the one that gives the scout the most vision range, then another one that gives some kind of advantage for the victory we're going for.
Which leader best suits a Military Victory, and what Mementos should you equip them with?
Since a military victory is all about finishing Operation Ivy, it's a good idea to pick a leader who's strong in science. But it's not a must—you can still win with any leader, at least on difficulty level 2.
How should you utilize Commander Units in combat, and what promotions are most beneficial for different military strategies?
The commander plays a much bigger role in this version and has some powerful promotions. I've already got over 70 hours in, but I've only finished 6 full games. Didn’t have too many wars,I rely a lot on diplomacy. But I usually try to complete the second promotion tree so I can pick a commendation. Haven’t really explored the other trees much yet. Have you used planes yet? Hahaha!
I have had five victories so far(Augustus, Xerxes, Ashoka, and Isabella) and have 23 mementos, and Viceroy is the maximum difficulty level I have played with. Corona Civica is my preferred one as it has an extra settlement limit. The happiness penalties are mad, except for Ashoka, whose happiness penalty is not an issue. But my strategy has been to maximize the number of cities because that will help you maximize production and science and trade networks. This is probably why the Corona civica Memento has helped. While playing Ashoka, I once had a settlement count of almost 2x that of what was allowed, and I still didn't have riots in the city, which also felt like a cheat code. But with Caesar or Isabella or Xerxes, even if I had a settlement count of more than two or three than my limit, I would have riots and unrest. Once, even the citizens revolted, and the civilization went to another leader :P
Didn’t have too many wars, I rely a lot on diplomacy. I also tried a complete diplomacy route, but I realized that the AIs could randomly attack you in an unprovoked fashion. So I just made peace with the fact that the developers don't want a purely diplomatic solution, and frankly, I also enjoyed a little bit of war now and then to make things a little exciting, haha
Have you used planes yet? Hahaha! You know what, planes feel like a cheat code in Civilization 7! I don't know how to say this, but I maximize the settlements, cities, and science. I'm always leading in science in the modern age. The attack that I get with the planes is ridiculously high, and I have never been bombed back once. The worst that has happened to me in the Viceroy difficulty level is my plane got attacked when it went to bomb a fortified district, but I never got attacked or bombed in my own fortified district by AI opponent.
gives the scout the most vision range Have you played as the Incan civilization? I don't remember if it's Incan or the Mayan civilization, but their scouts have, by default, an extra movement and sight, which is pretty impressive. But yeah, I did try the extra scout movement from one of the earlier games, but I didn't follow up with that at the other times as I was exploring other mementos.
You're doing pretty good for a newbie. Augustus is the way to go for more cities without penalties, I managed 11 in the Ancient Era. I'm down for a war, but I rarely declare it. I like the scout to see opponents on my continent early to set up my cities.
now: Civ Streams: March 2025 Update | Civilization VII Developer Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FYscCOVFRc
I found that Ashoka, the Renouncer, is in a significantly better situation where there are limited happiness penalties even if the settlement count goes significantly high. Augusta's happiness penalty was very high. I mean, I'm only talking about scenarios where the settlement count has gone beyond the limit. Augusta's is good to get an additional settlement limit through Corona Civica. Still, apart from that, I found Ashoka to be much better for a high settlement count without happiness penalties. Thanks for sharing the YouTube live link, pretty cool listening to the thinking behind it.
I misspoke. I meant Rome. It was with Teddy and Rome that I got 11 cities in the Ancient Era. I usually don't push the limits to avoid penalties.
In the video you sent me, they're talking about releasing a new patch today or tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the quick movement feature and the trade lens feature, which allows me to directly send a merchant to a city without having to locate the city on the map and click. The quick movement feature will help me progress through the game a lot faster. It's nice to see that they talk about all of the changes that they're making and the reasoning behind them.
Did you play all the previous versions? Steam reviews for Civ7 are sub-par, people complain about clunky UI and such. So I did not try it yet. Are you saying it is good?
Ah, I see you are new to Civ. Playing Old Earth for now, it is really good.
I've played Civ 2, Civ 3, Civ 4, and Civ 6.
I have fondest memories of Civ 3. A feature they had was that the civ leaders' clothing would change as you advance in the eras. I thought that was neat and wonder why they stopped doing that!
Civ 4 had the best mods though.