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Awesome blog on why doing more, adding more, often leads to doing less of important things and adding less value.
This headline image sums it up well:
Gave my TV away in 2006, which leads me to a real what NOT to do: watch TV.
Spend half the time you save learning new skills, the other half you divide up between sleeping and friends. Friends > Netflix. Skills > Netflix. Sleeping is always good because it makes you not wanting to kill whomever is bothering you.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 24 Mar
We have a new rule of only watching one thing (episode or video) per night. It's crazy how much easier it is going to sleep when we're tired. Low effort entertainment is just that addictive I guess.
I mean I don't wanna end up in NSFW so yeah episode cool ❤😂
But someone's promotion depends on shipping those features
Forget who said this but every yes is a no to other things. That helps me say no more often.
I love that picture.
Wonder if that setup was created by someone dealing with an older person who had dementia.
You're probably on target. It was shared on Reddit with the caption "My buddy dad-proofing his remotes."