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During dinner, my son suddenly burst into song, “好一朵美丽的茉莉花,好一朵美丽的茉莉花”。
Stunned, I asked him who had taught him that. The cognitive dissonance was unsettling - hearing such an old-school song coming out from his young mouth.
My kindergarten teacher, he said.
I choose to use Mandarin with my boy, simply because 华人华语 (I view being able to speak Chinese as inextricably integral to being of Chinese descent). But yesterday struck me forcibly about how 文化精髓、代代相传 (the core memories of a culture are passed down from one generation to the other).
So, we sang the song together. And I can’t get it out of my head. I will probably find the time to print out the lyrics when I have a free period later.
The Chinese song eternally stuck in my head is
對面的女孩看過來 看過來 看過來
这里的表演很精彩 请不要假装不理不睬!
I know that song! Haha
Have you heard of 哭 by the same singer before? I used to sing it when I wanted to emo: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fDl9HZeuntI
This is my goto emo song!
Jay Chou is phenomenal. I went to Laos once, and not only were his songs available, but the Laotians knew how to sing songs like 东风破
24 sats \ 2 replies \ @MANI 25 Mar
My 16 month old daughter follows me like a shadow & calls me with all sorts of names, papi, papu, aar, yar, mama, ayo :D
That’s so sweet. Mine pulls back n shouts, “Go back!”
Idk what goes through their minds like she calls me like dozen times, papa papa papa papa and every time i reply to her yes she just looks down and says something which obviously i can't understand.
For us, the Hungarians of Romania (in the Transylvania region), preserving and passing on our cultural heritage is very important... Since 1918 (when Transylvania was annexed to Romania), they have been continuously striving to silence the Hungarian minority, erase its identity, and destroy our cultural heritage. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that we preserve our identity at all costs, and one of the pillars of this is the care and passing on of our cultural heritage.