Taught a critical thinking and argumentation subject called General Paper an era ago. Found this while decluttering. I used to write my own response alongside my students when I dished out timed practices. I don’t think I can write so well anymore haha.
I regard the increased degree of choice as broadly beneficial to my generation.
Sherborne expresses in Paragraph 3, Passage 1 that the advent of the Internet has brought about an increase in the range of information available to people. Indeed, this increase in choices is beneficial to my generation, for we are digital natives who are IT-savvy and rely heavily on the Internet for knowledge. The proliferation of websites and blogs dedicated to the United States presidential elections, for instance, has helped to arouse interest and curiosity in today’s youths in America, motivating them to learn more about politics. As American youths are typically apathetic to politics, this shows that ideas on the Internet can only be beneficial if it appeals to them to involve themselves in active citizenry and find out more about how they should exercise their choice to elect their government leaders. Similarly, with the Internet, online newspapers and discussion forums are available. This serves as another avenue for today’s youths to air their views and be heard. Teenagers in Singapore, by sending photographs and videos to STOMP, the Straits Times’ online site, have generated social debate and interest about some of Singapore’s undesirable social habits. Youths are gratified by the Internet, for it affords them invaluable opportunities to generate discussion.
Parks, on the other hand, is critical of this increased degree of choice, for he asserts how the mind will lose to accept the choices made earlier in Paragraph 4, passage 2. His view is certainly true in the instances he brought up in paragraph 2 about abortion and euthanasia. Although options like abortion are now available to today’s youths, they may not be emotionally mature enough to exercise their choice wisely. Women who would undergo abortion sometimes regret their decision to abort a child in their teens when they realize that they can no longer conceive. Hence choice may be harmful to my generation, for who doesn’t make impulsive decisions when he is in his adolescence? Nonetheless, I find Parks’ view a tad extreme, for the issue here is not with the increased degree of things but whether our generation has been well equipped to handle decision-making. Instead of lamenting how we are compelled to live in a no-choice world in paragraph 4, Park would better serve his interests by recommending readers on tips to make better decisions. In Singapore, parents and educators often send their children to attend enrichment workshops on pertinent issues such as public speaking, leadership training and financial literacy so that the latter will be better equipped to make informed decisions for themselves. This helps today's youths to handle the multiplicity of issues out there.
Another reason why Parks argues that an increased degree of voice is harmful is due to the fact that some people may blame anyone but themselves when things go out of hand, as illustrated in paragraph 2, passage 1. Although I concur with him that people should be courageous enough to exercise their own choices, I do not agree with how he gravitates towards destiny as the preferred philosophy of life.
Indeed, as Sherborne reminds us in paragraph 3, I agree that too much freedom ought to be preferred over too little freedom. If people were to "come to terms with" (line 14, para 1) destiny, they would not have an opportunity to make their lives better. Instead of resigning themselves to fate or blaming others for their plight, today's youths are increasingly responsible and gungho enough to bring about change. After the tsunami struck in December 2004, youths from ASEAN nations were assertive in helping to collect donations for those affected. This simple act of kindness was replicated in the Sichuan earthquake that happened in 2008 in China. Hence, teenagers and youths today are increasingly not daunted by the necessity to make decisions.