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That is the question.
We have a lot of contests running in the territory right now.
The MLB season kicks off on Thursday. I am definitely going to do another MLB Survivor Pool similar to what we did last year, but I thought it might be beneficial to wait until at least the March Madness contest is over to start it. We could delay it even longer if needed. The MLB season is long so I don't think it matters whether we start week 1 or 3 etc but I will abide by what stackers prefer.
To delay or not to delay?
Start next week12.5%
Delay until March Madness is over62.5%
Delay until May12.5%
Delay until June12.5%
Delay until July0.0%
8 votes \ poll ended
Went with May. It'll allow us to have plenty of time, but a better sense of where the teams stand when starting out. But I'll be in no matter what.
Seems reasonable. I do like the idea of the pool running a bit later than last year. Not much usually going on in mid summer so if they pool ran until August instead of mid July like last year that would be good.
It also means I get eliminated later in the year, even if I flame out as badly as I did last year.
Small victories
Good idea to delay it till we finish March Madness
Ok thanks for weighing in.
Ok thanks for weighing in.