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NYDIG will take on about 135 Crusoe employees, who will continue operating the business under the new ownership. Crusoe will become a major equity holder in the combined entity — second only to Stone Ridge, NYDIG’s parent company.
The deal includes Crusoe’s technology that captures and converts flared gas from oil fields, and more than 425 modular data centers spread across seven U.S. states and parts of Argentina. Altogether, the operation accounts for roughly 1% of the world’s bitcoin mining, according to Crusoe, which was valued late last year at $2.8 billion. NYDIG is also privately held and valued at about $7 billion.
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This is for real, or just fake news? Based on the fact that was published on cnbc also, I'm leaning towards it being realistic (cnbc does not characterized by publicating fake news)... But honestly...I don't want to believe it.
Well, NYDIG will run it well.