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I bought MLB the Show for the Nintendo Switch last Friday. They no longer make it for the Playstation 4 so the Switch was my only option but I am ok with the trade off of lesser graphics for portability anyways.
The game is very similar to the last version I bought in 2023 but the Road to the Show feature has been enhanced to add in some college teams. It's a nice addition for your player to start in high school and get scouted by various programs which you can choose from. A nice addition but the entire high school/college portion is playable in about an hour. I wish it was a big longer with an option to skip for those that don't want to play that part. I also liked that once your player is drafted and playing in the minors you can routinely check where he stands in the overall prospect rankings.
There is a cool franchise feature where you can create your own team. At some point I am definitely going to create a team called the Stackers and play a franchise with them. I am enamored with getting my player to the majors in Road to the Show right now but once I get bored of that feature I will create a team.
Gameplay is good but they still haven't fixed the fact that pitching is much easier than hitting in the game. Although this is correctable with the custom difficulty slider options. I do think adding basic timed hitting is a nice addition. Previously you have to hit based on timing and zone of the pitch. As I noted with my post about NBA 2K25 I am not interested in spending 100 hours to perfect my skills. I just want to play and have fun. I don't mind challenging but I don't want stupid and annoying so just basing the swing on timing is an improvement but it is still hard to make good contact especially with a low rated player (which your player will be when you start out).
They have also added a new edition to their storyline feature where you can learn about and play different scenarios for former negro league players. I really liked this feature in 2023, it was well done. I look forward to checking out this year's edition but I haven't tried it yet.
Overall a good game but not a dramatic difference from the one I bought two years ago.
I give it 4/5.
Sats for all, GR
Nice! I'd love to see more game reviews on SN.
I think the last MLB game I played was MLB Power Pros on the Nintendo Wii.
It had cartoony graphics, but the career mode was a blast, like a mix between JRPG, dating sim, and baseball game.
Never played that one. But I did like backyard baseball that had cartoony graphics.
It definitely wasn't a serious MLB sim. But it had fun elements like you could hang out with your teammates and go karaoke with them, which would increase their stats, and you could date and get married.
I always got a kick out of social events with MLB players like Mariano Rivera or Albert Pujols
Sounds fun.
U didn’t buy PS5??
No. I don’t play enough to buy expensive consoles.
I am perfectly happy with ps4 and stealing the kids switch.
"Overall a good game but not a dramatic difference from the one I bought two years ago."
Developments in small steps only, and they sold a much higher amount of games :)