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We were at the provincial capital of BC, the city of Victoria, this morning, visiting the provincial legislative building. A beautiful building built back in the good old times, between 1893-1898. As we were walking past the lawn, my older son came up to me and showed me a picture he took on his phone of the coat of arms of BC symbol on some garbage bins. He proceeded to ask me "Do you know why the government's symbol is on these bins?"
"Why?" I replied.
He put on a smug face and answered, "because that is exactly where it belongs."
I smiled back at him and said, "that's a good one!" As he ran off to chase his little brother, I was telling myself, "yes, that's my son!" My distaste and dislike for governments seemed to have rubbed off on him.
At the same time, I realized I must be more careful with my words and actions. Be consistent as to who I am, be truthful, be real, and try to be the best version of myself, because it does rub off.
I'm eagerly awaiting being told by a teacher that my daughter called waiting in line "communist nonsense." It's bound to happen eventually.
When my son was younger I went on an epic rant about fiat and one day were at the local coffee shop grabbing a sandwich and the person in front of us pays in cash and my son blurts out "I can't believe they take that, they just print it out of thin air". Haha
He got it right. Good for him and good for you for teaching him this early.
That's great
I guarantee that you will hear it!! My kids are very disdainful of the state and state employees. They constantly point out that there are four leaning on shovels and only one doing the work, then cussing about it. They seem to be very happy hearing about DOGE. For some strange reason, I do the same.
I tend to be fairly reserved, but I can't abide lines. Get a functioning price mechanism, commies!
Naah, they don’t want that, they want price floors and price controls and people controls. Isn’t it amazing how this works for them?
Haha, that is awesome! Indeed lines are inefficient and a big waste of human time.
Haha. That's awesome. 1k sats for him.
Thanks! My kids are getting rich off of the sats you zap them.
I doubt that but hopefully building themselves a nice little stack.
Did they already change the coat of arms for the new king?
I don't think they're still using the one from Queen Elizabeth II's reign.
Once they change them, they might have to change them soon after. Charles doesnt seem to be the healthiest.
He has gotten his priorities right!
I hope so. He has his own way of thinking; I know because he is the one out of my 3 kids that talks back the most, and he talks back with reasons that I oftentimes can't refute.
Yes...we have to be careful what we say and when, because children always remember what we least expect... Regarding your case...there is a saying in Hungarian that goes "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"...which roughly means that as the parent is, so will the child be. I often experience this with myself and my children.