The pizza restaurant I photographed a month ago was so pleased with the photos that they called me back for more photos.
They hired me specifically for my ability to photograph strangers. Their idea was for me to approach some of the customers and offer them a free pizza in exchange for taking some photos for the business, which is exactly what we did for the photos I'm sharing today!
The first person I photographed that day was this very photogenic girl. She later told me she loved being photographed, and getting a free pizza made it even better!

The girl wasn't a model, so I guided her with the poses the whole time to get nice photos. I also tried different backgrounds to have variety in the photos.

Then another girl came to the restaurant, and I did the same thing. I approached her and told her she could get a free pizza if she let me take a couple of photos for the restaurant's social media. She agreed, and we took these photos:

The company wanted some photos with a kid, so while we were waiting for a family to arrive, I took the opportunity to take some photos of the pizzas:

We waited a while, and a family with a child arrived, so we asked their parents for permission and offered them a pizza in exchange for the photos. They said yes, and we took two photos:

The restaurant was very happy with my work, and I hope they call me again soon!