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5 sats \ 6 replies \ @User21000000 27 Mar \ on: HOW CAN I BUY A HOUSE IF I ONLY HAVE BITCON TO PAY? bitcoin
Find someone willing to sell there house for bitcoin? You could approach any house owner selling and say you will pay x but it has to be in bitcoin can also have it sent to you in 10 minutes instead of a week or more
And what do u do with tha taxes?
Taxes for realising your gains from the bitcoin or the taxes involved with housing?
Both scenarios
Well only talking for my part of the world I’d have to report my gain/loss to tax authorities just like selling the bitcoin for cash then any property related fees like stamp duties etc which would have to be done in fiat cash money currently anyway as the gov isn’t accepting the number one Bitcoin yet
So it's not only bitcoin...
No not really