Hey guys.
How do you find stacker news? Personally I am thankful to have found this platform. No bots like twitter, you can engage in conversations with people and are not just a number like on twitter, even though it is ok then at the same time there is so much spam over there.
With the adoption of micro payments per post, I think it is great and just showcases what is to come for Bitcoin in the future, endless usecases. Rock on!
Stacker should add a "follow" feature, then at the top of the screen add a "newsfeed" (or whatever they want to call it) to show only posts from users you follow. Then it's basically Lightning Twitter.
Don't thank me. Thank the other stackers.
This project is dumb and pointless without all the awesome folks on here.
We sure can thank you. But ofcourse it is nothing without the users. I just try to give a praise when something is great and say it out loud
indeed - really interesting.
love everything about it.
hardly a misstep - the experience that hackers often provide.
the only real use case of crypto for me personally so far apart from nanocurrency faucets.
kudos to SN , the makers.
I think it’s a brilliant platform already and will only get better as the team iterates and adds new features… Speaking of which, new features can be suggested here on Github: https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues
Can you imagine if Stacker News were available as a mobile app? It would absolutely blow up.
In fact, I think this pay-to-post model is eventually where Twitter (and other social apps) will end up moving towards. Sssh! Don’t tell Elon. He’ll try to use some shitcoin.
Props to @K00b and team.
It is available as a mobile app, just only as read since no Auth API available yet.
Search for Bsats
Saw some YouTube talking head wearing a hat with yellow text that I could not read. 15 minutes later was able to decipher it.