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Over three million UK motorists claim to have encountered a ghost while driving, according to a new nationwide survey that reveals a surprising breadth of paranormal experiences on British roads. The study, conducted by Select Car Leasing and polled by independent firm Obsurvant, canvassed 1,006 holders of UK driving licences. When extrapolated to the nation’s estimated 42 million motorists, the results suggest millions have experienced unexplained sightings while behind the wheel.
The headline figure is compelling. Nine percent of respondents said they had seen a ghost while driving, which translates to approximately 3.79 million people. It’s a statistic that prompts further scrutiny, especially given the rigorous methodology of the poll. These are not vague tales shared in pub corners but formal survey responses from licensed drivers across the country.
The same study uncovered that 8% of respondents had witnessed an unidentified flying object, or UFO, from their vehicle. Another 8% said they had seen an out-of-place big cat. Even Bigfoot-type sightings were reported by 3% of those polled. That would mean nearly 1.3 million people in the UK believe they’ve seen a bipedal creature resembling the North American Sasquatch.
The survey, while contemporary, aligns with older British folklore and decades of anecdotal reports. Britain has long harboured tales of haunted roadways, mysterious beasts, and inexplicable lights in the sky. What this data offers is a numerical backbone to what has traditionally been dismissed as local legend or personal delusion.
Ghost sightings were not the only phenomena to show clear regional disparities. London also led in UFO sightings at 16%, trailed by Northern Ireland at 19% and the West Midlands at 11%. UFO reports from motorists are not new, but they have gained increased visibility in recent years due to public interest in UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), including investigations by the Pentagon and media coverage of sightings over UK airbases in late 2024.
In one such incident, mystery drones were spotted over three separate military installations, prompting both UK and US military inquiries. The growing discussion around UAPs could be contributing to motorists’ willingness to report such experiences. According to the Select Car Leasing data, respondents from the East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, and the North West also reported 7-8% rates of UFO sightings.