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Spot on.
Monetary socialism is the way the world economy is operating right now. It has its advantages, as it would have been impossible to finance tech companies like Google or Microsoft at the speed we did, using physical gold bars. But it has its drawbacks -- Inflation and stealing from the poor to stack the rich and their buddies near the printer.
Monetary capitalism is however now made more possible by Bitcoin. Money can go back to ALSO being private property whose minting, storage and utility follow the same rules as other goods.
Of course, like normal citizens cannot be expected by society to own tankers and bazookers, normal citizens might not be expected by society to hold market breaking amounts of BTC (Saylor will have to sell, eventually. Even Manhattan real estate was sold and the fact that rich people got immensely rich just sitting on it is a sign of Monetary socialism and its overreach.
Nobody should have their progeny rich for generations ad infinitum just by having their name on a property. That's really stupid. Saylor is thinking like a fiat overlord.
Say, why stop at Manhattan real estate. Might as well own the earth and charge other humans and creatures for living on it).
Each generation should proof-their-work.
This solves the Hodling-to-Breaking-Point or Hodling-to-market-supply-shocks that are detrimental to proper economic functioning.
That said, Bitcoin is the perfect ledger for tracking digital Monetary value exchanges and ensuring digital monetary property rights.
But where we need to hedge Bitcoin from challenges like power outages, solar flares, etc, gold is the best hedge for Bitcoin. (Also, lugging around gold bars will make humans physically stronger on average. Too many people getting fat these days. Especially women whose biological drives are naturally more sedentary than men).
Bitcoin and Gold. Minimal fiat, as fringe as cigarettes for currency. This is how we level up human economics.
This is how we cooperate on levels unimagined.
This is how we make 10x improvements in health, outlook, ambition. Even marriage will be easier as more women will be irresistible sexy bombshells who carry gold bars to buy groceries. Moreover virgins. Focussed on serving Bitcoin society until they are of age (Like religion, Bitcoin gives a chastity life away from shitcoinery behaviour like sleeping around).
The Trump administration, by advocating for peace and setting up a BSR, is setting up the economics and the psychology for this leap.