Nice concept and POC!
I'm thinking about the "market request" of vanity pub keys and how to marketing it, because usually an user need only one key, while for payments could have more. Perhaps can be a step of fancy Nostr onboard procedure.
But I'm not sure if is desiderabile having vanity pub keys at all for identities, for a security perspective related to social engineering attacks, because they lower the user attention in the recognition and verify process promoting a quick partial check. Someone can build a key that copy another one prefix to trick an user to think he is another person.
Thanks. Both good points.
I don't know yet if there is demand, or how much demand there is for vanity pubkeys. It's more of an experiment at the moment. I suppose only hardcore users of Nostr are (or may potentially be) interested in this.
About identities, true, relying on a prefix to identify someone can be tricky. But this is not trying to solve identity. Different clients have different ways around it (like checkmark, NIP-05 domain identifiers, etc).