• TINDER or ay dating app: I'd add a review score based on how good or fun was the match in a date.
  • Donate4.Fun @nikicat : I'd add a way for the content creator to donate or give SATS for their audience. I'm not an expert on LN, so I don't if its possible....But, I'm looking for a way to show a QR in a video and some of the audience could claim some sats.
  • TWITTER: an orange check mark for real bitcoiners.
Integrate KYC-free Lightning into the app of my local supermarket chain.
Suddenly, all customers would have Lightning already in their pocket for their most recurring buys. Even if they only used the app for discounts and information before.
You would need some kind of protection from bots, because other way you would be out of funds very fast. I suggest to use YouTube account validation at least (if you are streaming on YouTube)
Wild idea but you can set up a fantasy sports league and get paid sats for how well it crappy your player is doing see the sats flow in as the run for a touchdown or loose sats when they fumble or tackled for a loss.