I’ve been working on a project that’s similar but wider scoped, an infrastructure cooperative. The idea is to host a variety of services (public & members only) managed by a sort of guild of personal freedom maximalists.
So far I’ve been concentrating on AAA and observability, so I can be comfortable letting co-admins into the cluster. Gitea is already installed and used as the source for ArgoCD, so git hosting should be available soon.
My mastodon instance was the first service I stood up, over 18 months ago, although it’s been running standalone and needs to be migrated into the cluster. Matrix will likely come soon after that’s done.
The whole thing will be donation based to start, eventually augmented by membership fees. Longer term, I’m exploring alternative methods of finding and governance, like LSATs and Judica.org
The irony of this alternative platforms that "promote freedom" are now banning something because it's trendy.
I've looked at Drew Devault's slide deck on why "crypto" sucks which actually focuses on bitcoin and is full of factual easily verifiable relevant misleading errors.
What a pack of self-righteous judgmental prigs.
If you have a project there I'd move it now. People who think they can determine every outcome based on a technology aren't to be trusted. Now that they have judged, they will again, and if your technology is used by bad actors, you may have to move along too.
Eventually only good things and sunlit uplands will be found in these best places.