I think you should consider offering a filter for the level of custodianship - With a disclaimer for particular wallets (such as BW which is custodial by default - but can be used to in a self-custodial manner if set up appropriately).
I see you have open source listed, but I think just as importantly you should note which wallets are closed source as the ability to reproduce software is important for verifiability. https://walletscrutiny.com/ is a good reference for such.
Zeus wallet connects to your node, so not only is it self custody - but it provides tools to manage your node as well.
really good points, it’s going to be a challenge to fit all this info into one concise card.
right now when you click on a wallet, it takes you to their site. i think i’ll change it so that the first click takes you to a page that explains (in more detail) all the intricacies you’re mentioning, with a big button that will take you to the wallet site.