An archive of the article is here. An archive has no paywall, no subscription requirement, and can be easier to read. Same goes for 12ft proxy.
Imagine if there way some way to simply pay to read an article...
Well, this DailyMail article isn't paywalled, but for me it takes long to load and there's so much javascript doing crap ... launching video ads, etc., that the site is almost unusable for me without using 12ft proxy or reading the archive.
That sucks he was just low hanging fruit when u look at all that he was involved in and who he was connected to. Just a puppet that probably didn't have any clue what was going on. All this just to give the industry a black eye...Wild time to be alive basically a moment in bitcoin history that will be documented and told for decades...just like mount gox both are good lessons to learn how to self custody your coin....In the end 99% of alts will die.