I guess what i’m talking about could be better defined as a web3 project on the ethereum blockchain, using ETH as its main token. It would have to be a massive, widely adopted project to have any hopes tho…i think…
The thing is that these are concepts created by marketing people and they are trying to force people to used them. Web3 is absolutely nothing else than an idea, there are not Web3 projects besides the ones in the minds of some people and their promises. Can you or anyone name any "Web3" project?
I think this is a great topic for a new discussion.
yes. it's the equivalent of buying several scratch offs at your local market in hopes to make a quick cuckbuck.
remember all those crypto-bros were shilling these "low cap gems" because of their supposed utility then elon randomly pumps dogecoin, a known memecoin, and out performs everyone.
stay humble, stack sats, hodl your own keys, run your own bitcoin, and collaborative spend.