This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I still play the same game and get sat 🎁
Fiat mining 75 hours a week. Flipped both direct deposits to strike 100% btc Looking at crowd health, attempting to run a profitable routing node through voltage with a few sats. Looking to buy a cheap asic from kaboom racks, to heat my cold ass condo.
Damn going hard!
What are good wallets for coinjoin nowadays?
Is still popular in the community? Wasn't there a thing? I roughly remember there were some shennanigans...
Yeah wasabi started to black list addresses. That upset a lot of privacy maxis. But if you listen to max on why he made that decision it made sense to me. I forget what podcast he went on I think it’s the crypto voices one:
Max made the following points
  1. It’s his business and he can run it the way he wants
  2. Wasabi is open source any one can copy it and run it without black listing
  3. Makes a point of trying to stop criminals and bad guys once somewhat identified by law enforcement. Helps him and his customers sleep well at night.
The other option is Samurai Wallet which is max privacy.
Thanks! But both should offer comparable anonymity, shouldn't they?
Yes anonymity is a probability game for chain analysis companies.
So according to the privacy maxis the KYC exchange will always know how much purchased but after you mix they will have a tougher time tracking your movements the best way to protect your privacy is to stay away from exchanges all together. Then a utxo is never linked to your real identity
Thanks for the clarification
Has anyone noticed that they're not getting notifications for sat rewards and comment notifications, or is it possibly just my account?
Did you maybe check them off in settings? I’m still getting them fine
Also you'll only get rewards notifications if you earned something. Otherwise, we save you from seeing it.
Woke up with a headache today. I think my body may have developed an intolerance to alcohol. It seems every time I have even a beer, my brain goes to mush the next morning.
Other than that, I'm looking forward to this week. Relaxing a bit today, prepping for my podcast, and then bitcoin brunch tomorrow!
I found this started to happen to me by late 20s. Being Scottish has a lot of cultural norms around alcohol consumption (mostly excessive). I suffered with horrendous full day hangovers.
I’m now 2.5 years with no alcohol and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
(Not intending to preach the sober life, but I sympathise with the feeling of a developed intolerance)
If I understand you correctly, our circumstances seem inverse. I drink rarely, less and less as time goes on. I drank sporadically, mostly socially, in my 20s. I have 35 years now. And maybe it's just cheap beer? I used to mostly drink gin but I haven't had much occasion or enthusiasm to do so. My big poison is sugar.