Research by Gordon Liao and John Caramichael examines stablecoins' growth potential and impact on banking. Stablecoins have experienced almost fivefold growth in the past year, reflecting the rapid adoption of innovation in payments. (1/2)
Among the potential scenarios, they find that a two-tiered banking framework for stablecoin issuance best preserves credit creation, while a "narrow bank" approach enhances peg stability but may disrupt credit provision. (2/2)
Obviously, those images above are not correct, sorry I used the wrong link on both. Here's the above, but with the correct images.
Research by Gordon Liao and John Caramichael examines stablecoins' growth potential and impact on banking. Stablecoins have experienced almost fivefold growth in the past year, reflecting the rapid adoption of innovation in payments. (1/2)
Among the potential scenarios, they find that a two-tiered banking framework for stablecoin issuance best preserves credit creation, while a "narrow bank" approach enhances peg stability but may disrupt credit provision. (2/2)