A boostagram is a short text message attached to a voluntary value-for-value payment integrated into modern Podcasting 2.0 apps. The payment and the message are direct, peer-to-peer, enabled by Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. If all of this sounds like gibberish to you, you are in good company.
You can think of boosts as clapping: if you especially like a part, you show your enthusiasm by pressing the boost button—as often as you like.
When you decide to press the boost button at a certain point of the episode, you have the option of including a short message as well. Such a message is called a boostagram.
Everyone is free to play and consume the content, and payments are made during or after the fact, voluntarily. No strings attached. No paywalls. This model of monetizing digital content is known as the value-for-value model.
Content creators have the option of automatically splitting payments with people in the value chain, be it producers, guests, engineers, or even charities and the like. All payments are sent directly to the recipients—no middlemen required.
We are building all this out in the open at github.com/seetee-io. If you are a podcaster or creator and want to build on top of our work or simply reuse what we built—you are more than welcome to do so!