What do you all think of Thibaud Marchel's article today on BTC Magazine, entitled, "Regulations Will Lead to a Two-Tiered Bitcoin Society?"
This is the part I want to highlight – 
"Regulators are going to regulate; that’s what they do. Bitcoin cannot be regulated, but custodial ramps such as exchanges, brokers and lenders can and they will be attacked. Self-custody is most likely going to be regulated out of the market for most buyers. It will become very hard to buy bitcoin and take full custody of it on these venues — maybe even close to impossible. This date is coming soon."
Do you think the exchanges and brokers would bend over so easily as to deny self-custody altogether?
Also this part —
"Bitcoin is going to be used as the underlying asset to the global financial surveillance network, the likes of which we have not yet seen. Regulated companies will form a network of compliance on top of Bitcoin and prevent you from holding what could have been truly yours. Perhaps they will even wrap it into a central bank digital currency (CBDC) to protect you against the volatility of bitcoin. You will buy paper bitcoin and you will be happy."
This makes it sound like Bitcoin's "final boss" before Hyperbitcoinization will be... paper bitcoin.  
The issue that I see is that there's a strong and growing pro-Bitcoin lobby in the United States that would (presumably) push back against this sort of thing. But it's possible they'll just be steamrolled.
You can read the full article here (it's not all doom and gloom): https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/regulations-and-two-tiered-bitcoin-economy
This is the same that happen with the internet. Every attempt of regulation was creating more descentralization.
They tried to block Napster, and people started sharing content through torrent. They tried to attack torrent and now we can just stream content directly from the internet.
It's like trying to put doors to the field. They can waste their time and focus on regulate Bitcoin, while the lightning Network will become an unstoppable monster.
We will see. It might be like with the prohibition, outlawing gold, war on drugs etc. They will ban, they will get immensely reach, it can last decades. And eventually bitcoin will win. It's just we might not live to see it.
Reminds me of Russia: Bitcoin for Oligarchs and businessman that need to export into the chaos of India, China and the -stan countries. But no KYC-free Bitcoin for the common people because they need to be controlled.
It will never be that bad in the US - cheap electricity for mining and at least a few reguators with space to adapt laws on a state level
I'm fascinated you think "exchanges and brokers" are the decisive constituency.
And if they did, what difference would it make to those who don't use them.
As for the false dichotomy of the merely 2 tier future being discussed there's a range of tiers, all optional, for how people interact with the protocols.
I think the final boss will be taxation. That’s the true scare of the government
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