Why are some bitcoiners called pleb?
The etymology of the palabra plebeian is: pertaining to the plebs; plebeian; not belonging to the nobility; common, usual, ordinary; of ordinary quality; devoid of distinction; cheap.
Although it seems hierarchical from a social point of view, the dynastic view in the Bitcoin Network Age is accessible and integrative.
We are in Bitcoin Season IV, as we have gone through three halvins. In that way:
1st Season - bitcoiners accumulated in thousands of Bitcoin units 2nd Season - bitcoiners had the opportunity to accumulate in hundreds of Bitcoin units. 3rd Season - bitcoiners were able to accumulate tens of Bitcoin units. 4th Season - as bitcoiners we are given the opportunity to accumulate Bitcoin units or thousands of Satoshis.
Starting with the next halvin, due in April 2024, this chance will become scarcer and gradually the next entrants to Bitcoin maximalism will be at the lower end of the dynasty scale.
The opportunity we are having to accumulate Sats with humility is unique and will have no return.
We are all plebs, we are all Satoshi
There is very few people left from those past seasons. I believe, the biggest wallet has 130K BTC, and most of those big ones are from exchanges.
At this time, looks like Bitcoin it's pretty well distributed
It's interesting that you say "halvin". Why not "halving"?
3.125 в блоке. это хорошо... купить хотят много. но есть меньше... выростает спрос... падает предложение... самый изящный рынок монет в истории всей фиатной структуры. вот и получается что б стать держателем нужно ждать... но можно этого не делать... просто положить на полочку в голове и жить спокойно... скоро будет рос по экспоненте. приготовился?