This project was so satisfying. Thanks to @BTCsessions on Youtube and (for the Triton shell). My new Bitcoin node is up and running on Umbrel ...with the help of LEGO® “Clockwork” Robot minifigs ;-)
For anyone interested in how I built my node, see below. It was not difficult at all. If you can use Stacker.News then you have the skills required for this project. Took me less than an hour to set up and gave me a great feeling when it was all done and working. Highly recommend everyone try it...
- Umbrel Software
- Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB RAM, heat sinks and power supply
- I used an Aluminum Cooling Case for the Raspberry Pi 4 (optional)
- 1TB SSD Hard Drive
- Hard drive case
- Ethernet cable
- MicroSD Card
- “Triton” node shell by CryptoCloaks (use code “btcsessions” for 5% off)
- Alternatively, you could use their less expensive Lightning Shell