In your view what is the biggest roadblock preventing circular bitcoin economies from forming today?
There are amazing projects building out the foundation and infrastructure necessary to support rapidly growing adoption, but imo there are not enough projects building out the application layers to make people want to use it for non-ideological/early adopter reasons. This will come. We've been doing this at Oshi for a long time, although we probably started a bit early ;)
Often times I think we are our own roadblock. Many of us are so ideological on how transformative and revolutionary bitcoin is, it becomes difficult to understand how anyone in normieland wouldn't immediately change their behavior and use the future of money. We all need to realize that most people will never understand bitcoin and why it's so critical to use it in order to advance humanity, and that's ok.
Get businesses and consumers onboarded to the infrastructure, and build cool shit that people actually want to use for reasons other than NgU or 'because bitcoin is going to fix the world' (even though it is and will).