I am wondering what is your goto Bitcoin material, website, article, leaflet etc to help orange pilling people?
Books are great don’t get me wrong but many people will not just buy the Bitcoin Standard to check out Bitcoin
Bitcoin! BITCOOOIN! Have you heard about Bitcoin? Buy Bitcoin!
Inflation! INFLATIOOON! Money printer goes brrrrr! Buy gold, land, Bitcoin, real estate!
Let them figure out which one do they need. Respect their choice.
bitcoin is best when experienced. Make them download a LN wallet. Send them some sats, make them send you sats back. It's just like email. No everyone needs to know how it works under the hood.
I use different approach depending on who I'm talking to...if they like to read or not, if they speak english or not...
But, my goto is mainly Andreas Antonopoulos and if I'm close to this person I'll send $5 to a wallet, so he/she can see how easy is to use a BTC wallet.
The problem with orange pilling material is that people that won’t give something like the bitcoin standard the time of day probably won’t give websites and articles the time of day either. At least not as much as they’d need to for a proper orange-pilling.
We’re still super early.
The natural interest and openness needs to be there for someone to be this early.
That being said, this is a great place to start - I read this before bitcoin standard. https://www.microstrategy.com/content/dam/website-assets/collateral/bitcoin-downloads/Stone-Ridge-2020-Shareholder-Letter.pdf
Fidelity also has some good papers (bitcoin first, bitcoin investment thesis, etc) that are pretty legitimizing.
We recently onboarded a merchant using a LNURL and encode it into a QRcode to allow the business to receive lightning payments. So customers can scan it at the counter and introduce a custom amount. similar to a BOLT12 experience in my opinion... but a bit more limited.
It has produced great results and helped onboard new people on bitcoin also thanks to BlueWallet
биткоин это инструкция к машине времени.! тебе стоит просто его понять и он даст тебе все ответы на все твои вопросы.! просто продолжай изучать его как мини институт с одним учеником!